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Anthrax Case Confirmed in Ruminant Species in RM of Cote #271

Released on September 26, 2023

Saskatchewan Agriculture is reminding producers to be on the lookout for anthrax in their animals after confirmation that anthrax has been found in the RM of Cote #271. Anthrax was confirmed by laboratory results on September 25, 2023, as the cause of death in one cow and is suspected in two additional deaths in the same herd.

Anthrax is caused by the bacteria Bacillus anthracis, which can survive in spore form for decades in soil. Changes in soil moisture, from flooding and drying, can lead to a build-up of spores on pastures. Spores can concentrate in sloughs and potholes, and the risk of animal exposure to anthrax increases in drier years when these areas dry up and become accessible. Spores can also surface when the ground is excavated or when there is excessive run-off.

Livestock are infected when they eat forage contaminated with spores. Ruminants such as bison, cattle, sheep and goats, are highly susceptible, and horses can also be infected. Swine, birds and carnivores are more resistant to infection, but farm dogs and cats should be kept away from carcasses.

Affected animals are usually found dead without any signs of illness. Anthrax can be prevented by vaccination. Producers in regions that have experienced previous outbreaks are strongly encouraged to vaccinate their animals each year. If a producer's neighbours have anthrax, they should consider vaccination to protect their animals.

The carcasses of any animal suspected of having anthrax should not be moved or disturbed and should be protected from scavengers such as coyotes or ravens, to prevent spreading spores in the environment.

Anyone who suspects anthrax should contact their local veterinarian immediately for diagnosis. All tests must be confirmed by a laboratory diagnosis. All positive test results must be immediately reported to the provincial Chief Veterinary Officer.

Producers are advised to use caution when handling potentially infected animals or carcasses. Animal cases pose minimal risk to humans, but people can get infected through direct contact with sick animals or carcasses. In cases where people believe they have been exposed to an infected animal, they should contact their local health authority or physician for advice.

More information on Saskatchewan Agriculture's anthrax response plan can be found on the ministry website.


For more information, contact:

Jamie Shanks
Phone: 306-787-5155

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