Released on July 19, 2023
Construction is underway on the new La Ronge Long-Term Care Home.
"We are pleased to have reached this next important milestone for the La Ronge Long-Term Care Home," Minister of Rural and Remote Health Everett Hindley said. "Residents across the north who need long-term care will soon have a safe and comfortable new space to live, close to home and family."
The three-storey, two-wing per-floor care home will include 80 resident rooms, living areas, tub rooms, family rooms, a traditional healing space, a serenity room, a commercial kitchen and space for other health services.
"The start of construction is a major milestone for the new La Ronge Long-Term Care Home," Athabasca MLA Jim Lemaigre said. "This new facility will provide excellent care for residents in the community and will be a welcome addition to long-term care services in Northern Saskatchewan."
The new home will be owned and operated by the Saskatchewan Health Authority.
The existing long-term care home will remain in operation during construction. The transfer of programs and equipment will begin once the new facility is complete. Renovations to the existing care home are expected to start after the existing area is vacated and residents are transferred to the new home. These renovations will provide increased Health Centre space and improve several program areas, including therapies, an adult day program, and a new hemodialysis unit.
"We are grateful for the dedication of the individuals and organizations who have worked to see this investment come to the far northwest and for all those who will be a part of the care of the future residents of this home. We will all now be able to see the beginnings of the beautiful building that will eventually become home to so many of us, our families, and our Northern community members in the years to come." Dr. Stephanie Young, Physician Executive, Integrated Northern Health, Saskatchewan Health Authority said.
Ledcor Construction Limited (Ledcor) has spent the past few weeks mobilizing equipment on-site for the start of construction.
"Ledcor Construction Limited is pleased to have been selected by SaskBuilds as the General Contractor for the La Ronge Long-Term Care Home," Ledcor Regional Manager Laird Ritchie said. "We look forward to working with the Government of Saskatchewan to deliver this important new facility."
Construction is expected to be substantially complete by late 2026.
For more information, contact:
Media DeskSaskBuilds and Procurement
Phone: 306-520-3607
Media Desk
Phone: 306-787-4083
Media Relations
Saskatchewan Health Authority
Phone: 1-833-766-4392