Released on January 10, 2023
The auctions to sell the permits associated with SLGA Retail Inc. stores will begin Feb. 6. The auctions will be staggered, with the final auctions beginning Feb. 15.
"This is the next step in the process as we transition to a fully private liquor retail system," Minister Responsible for the Saskatchewan Liquor and Gaming Authority Lori Carr said. "An online auction format is being used to ensure that permits are sold efficiently and transparently."
Auctions will be held on in real time. Interested bidders must preregister and pay a $5,000 deposit to participate in an auction. The auctions are for the permits only – there are no buildings, fixtures or inventory included in the sale. The winning bidder must also meet all terms associated with holding a retail store permit.
Once the auctions associated with SLGA Retail Inc. permits wrap up, auctions will be held for communities that qualify for an additional permit under SLGA's population matrix, if someone has expressed interest in the permit. These auctions were suspended during the pandemic.
Please see the attached backgrounder for specific auction dates and other additional information or visit
For more information, contact:
David MorrisSaskatchewan Liquor and Gaming Authority
Phone: 306-787-1721