Released on August 10, 2022
Late this evening, approximately 200 Ukrainian citizens will arrive in Regina after departing Warsaw, Poland to escape the ongoing war in their home country. The Ukrainian citizens will arrive on two charter flights after a short layover in Edmonton.
"Saskatchewan's approach to welcoming Ukrainian citizens is unique and speaks to Saskatchewan's character," Immigration and Career Training Minister Jeremy Harrison said. "I am extremely proud of the work that is being done to ensure Ukrainian citizens are safe and comfortable in our province - whether it be for a short time or if they choose to make Saskatchewan their permanent home."
Passengers will be provided with temporary accommodations in Regina to allow them access to key supports and information related to living in Saskatchewan. A settlement reception centre will be available and will include on-site personnel to answer questions and issue Saskatchewan health cards, assist with setting up bank accounts, provide information about housing, employment, education, income assistance, community supports and more. All recent newcomers from Ukraine are welcome to visit the reception centre.
Saskatchewan is proud to partner with humanitarian organizations Open Arms and Solidaire on this initiative.
Information about programs and services is available to Ukrainian newcomers on an ongoing basis by calling 1-833-613-0485 (toll free), by email at or by accessing online resources at
Saskatchewan's residents and businesses are encouraged to show their support for Ukraine by printing the attached poster and hanging it in visible locations. The hashtag #SKSupportsUkraine can also be used on social media.
The invasion of Ukraine by Russia has forced millions of Ukrainian people to flee their country in search of safety. With the arrival of this flight, more than 1,500 displaced Ukrainians have arrived in Saskatchewan since the conflict began.
For more information, contact:Drew Lumbard
Executive Council and Office of the Premier
Phone: 306-787-0971