Released on May 21, 2021
The Government of Saskatchewan has proclaimed May 24 to 28, 2021 as Disability Service Professionals Week for the fourth year.
Disability Service Professionals Week honours and celebrates the important work that people across the province do to support people with disabilities. Since the COVID-19 pandemic arrived in Saskatchewan in March 2020, disability service professionals have continued to deliver their essential services to clients.
"Throughout the pandemic, those working in the disability sector have shown inspiring commitment to people with disabilities by continuing to provide their vital services," Social Services Minister Lori Carr said. "I want to thank disability service professionals for ensuring that their clients are safe and supported during these times."
This proclamation is a jointed initiative with Saskatchewan Association of Rehabilitation Centres (SARC). Established in 1968, SARC is a provincial association representing over 100 member agencies, with more than 80 providing core, daily services to thousands of people with disabilities across Saskatchewan. Each agency is an independent community-based organization with its own independent board of directors. Many of these agencies deliver residential and day program services and supports to people with intellectual disabilities.
"Each year, I am inspired by the strong commitment staff in the disability service sector display in providing critical support to people experiencing disability, and this past year has been no exception," SARC Executive Director Amy McNeil said. "The people working in the disability service sector have faced the challenges of COVID-19 with resilience and dedication. I know it has not been easy to support their clients through prolonged periods of visitor restrictions, reduction of community-based activities, and during times of positive cases or outbreaks. I want to sincerely thank disability service professionals across the province for the very important work you do."
This proclamation supports the Saskatchewan Disability Strategy by recognizing the value of disability service providers and direct support workers who provide services for people with disabilities. Saskatchewan residents and communities that have done work which aligns with the Disability Strategy are encouraged to share their accomplishments using the hashtag #SKDisability.
For more information about the supports and services that SARC member agencies provide, please visit
For more information, contact:
Leya MooreSocial Services
Phone: 306-787-3610
Amy Janzen
Phone: 306-933-0616 ext. 236