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Lieutenant Governor Russ Mirasty's 2021 Christmas Message

Released on December 17, 2021

Hello! Tansi. As we celebrate this special season, I am very pleased to extend greetings on behalf of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second, Queen of Canada.

Although we have experienced some difficult challenges this year, we have much for which to be grateful.

In particular, I want to thank everyone serving in the Canadian Armed Forces, police and fire services, and our first responders.

I also want to thank health care professionals, educators and front-line workers for going above and beyond the call of duty throughout the pandemic. 

I am grateful to those serving in public office for providing leadership, especially during these uncertain times.

In Saskatchewan, we are fortunate to be surrounded by generous and capable volunteers. I extend my sincere gratitude to everyone who is giving their time and energy to improve their community.

One of the difficult challenges we have faced this year has been the discoveries of gravesites at former Indian Residential Schools. These discoveries have been shocking for many people, and traumatic for many Survivors. As we move forward on the path of Reconciliation, we need to continue to learn about our history, and to build trust through respect. I am grateful to the many individuals and communities who are working to create understanding. I also want to express my heartfelt thanks to the Elders and Survivors who have shared their stories with me. Kinanaskomitin.

I am grateful for everyone who has chosen to see challenges as opportunities to help others this year. Thank you for your inspiring examples of service. Giving back to our communities reflects the true spirit of the season!

I wish you Seasons Greetings from my family to yours. I will also share this greeting with you in my first language, which is Woodland Cree.

Nitha ikwa Donna ni cawasimisinanak, nosisimin anak ochi.

Nipakosithitinau kahkithaw

Kita mitho makosikisikanisik

Merry Christmas!


For more information, contact:

Carolyn Speirs
Lieutenant Governor
Phone: 306-787-6460

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