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Christmas Message from Leader of the Opposition Ryan Meili

Released on December 17, 2021

The people living in darkness, have seen a great light.

Whether your tradition is turkey or tortiere, eggnog or Christmas pudding, or all of the above, there's something incredibly special about gathering with family and friends around the table this time of year to share a meal, to relive old memories and make new ones.

This year too many in Saskatchewan will be setting one less place at that table, missing someone who's no longer with us, isn't healthy enough to join or is working overtime again. For too many families celebrating will be a little harder this year. 

Christmas is a time of joy, a time of hope.

It's worth remembering when that joy seems just a little too far out of reach that the child we celebrate didn't come into a perfect world, he came into a broken world. A world in need of healing. He came with a message of love and care for each other and with everything we've been through, now more than ever, it's important to remember that message. Remember the true meaning of this time of year: joy, hope and love.

And we've seen incredible examples of that spirit in our province. Healthcare workers who've risen to a challenge they could never have imagined. Teachers working so hard to give our kids the support they need to learn and grow. Local businesses who continue to give back generously to community even though there's less coming into the till. The farmers, the ranchers who despite a drought continue to put food on our tables and on tables around the world. Seniors, the young people, the ordinary working folks who shared their story of struggle, so others wouldn't feel alone in theirs. Every person in this province. Everyone who continues to pull together in our time of need. Thank you.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart. You are what makes this province great.

This last year has been no easy feat but brighter days are ahead and it truly is a season of miracles. We witnessed a miracle. Going from a brand new dangerous disease to multiple effective vaccines within a year is a feat of science, a feat of human ingenuity unlike anything we've ever seen before.

Thanks to the widespread availability today of those vaccines, and the willingness of so many of you to get that protection for yourselves and those around you. I'm excited because this year our family as well as yours can safely spend some quality time together and celebrate those holiday traditions we all cherish. I know my boys Abe and Gus, they can't wait to head down to Moose Jaw to spend some time with their uncles and their grandparents. Whoever those special people are who you share the most important moments with, I wish each of you new memories of joy, hope and love this holiday season.

We still have challenges ahead but let's embrace the spirit of the season and remember what makes this province so special. That's the people who call it home. Let's be thankful for each other, let's celebrate what we have and let's have some fun along the way.

From my family to yours, Merry Christmas, Saskatchewan and here's to a happy new year.


For more information, contact:

Katherine Norton
Legislative Assembly
Phone: 306-787-7388

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