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Stay Home, Prevent The Spread Of COVID-19 In Saskatchewan

Released on March 23, 2020

As of March 23, 2020, the province of Saskatchewan has 14 new, confirmed cases of COVID-19, bringing the total to 66 reported cases.

  • Sixty-five cases are confirmed and one case is presumptive positive.
  • Two of the cases are individuals in the 5-19 year old category; all others are adults.
  • 61 per cent of the cases are males and 39 per cent are females.
  • To date, 5,269 COVID-19 tests have been performed by Roy Romanow Provincial Laboratory.

Additional demographic information on these cases is not available at this time as public health officials are continuing their contact investigation.

The case surveillance and testing information, including the regional locations of the confirmed and presumptive positive cases, is available at

Testing for COVID-19

If you are experiencing symptoms of fever and cough are not already self-isolating, self-isolate immediately and use the online self-assessment tool at

Contact HealthLine 811 if the assessment tool recommends it.  HealthLine 811’s direction may include a COVID-19 test and details on where to be tested.

The Saskatchewan Health Authority has testing sites operating in Regina, Saskatoon, Prince Albert, Moose Jaw, Yorkton, Swift Current and Weyburn with 19 sites open across the integrated north and six integrated rural testing sites.


As individuals, we are responsible for ensuring our actions do not put others at risk of COVID-19.
All travelers returning from international destinations - including the U.S. - are subject to a mandatory self-isolation order.  Anyone identified by a Ministry of Health Official as a close contact of someone with COVID-19 shall go into mandatory self-isolation for 14 days from the date of having been exposed.

  • Do not go to work or school.
  • Do not go to public areas, including places of worship, stores, shopping malls and restaurants.
  • Cancel or reschedule non-urgent appointments; let them know you are on self-isolation.
  • Do not take buses, taxis or ride-sharing where you would be in contact with others.
  • Do not have visitors in your home.
  • Ask family/friends to drop off food or use delivery/pick-up services for errands such as grocery shopping.

You may go outdoors - use your backyard, walk on your street or exercise outdoors - but only if you have no symptoms and can maintain the required social distance of two metres at all times.  You must maintain proper hand hygiene and avoid contact with shared surfaces like handrails, pedestrian crosswalk buttons and outdoor playground equipment.  Avoid all common spaces within shared accommodations like apartments and condominiums (ie. elevators, hallways) and public places where you cannot maintain this distance..

With even mild symptoms of a cough, you must self-isolate indoors to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

COVID-19 Information Online

Current information on self-isolation, personal protection measures and information for care providers is available at

Public inquiries may be directed to


For more information, contact:

Phone: 306-787-4083

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