Released on June 4, 2020
More workers who are helping Saskatchewan’s most vulnerable citizens through the COVID-19 pandemic will soon be able to apply to the Saskatchewan Temporary Wage Supplement Program.The program is being expanded to include anyone, regardless of income level, who is working at licensed public or private long-term care facilities, which are under public health orders restricting visitations.
In addition, workers at assisted living facilities which also are under public health orders, will now be eligible for the wage supplement if they earned a wage less than $24.00 per hour in the four-week period for which the worker has applied for the supplement. To be eligible, these workers must also have total earnings of less than $2,500 (gross), including earnings from work outside an eligible essential care facility, in the four-week period for which the worker has applied for the supplement.
Private day cares and approved private service homes will also be eligible for the payments.
“The government, through the Wage Supplement Program, wants to ensure that we are helping as many workers as possible in Saskatchewan’s private and public long-term care, assisted living, and also other private care facilities,” Finance Minister Donna Harpauer said. “Program benefits and eligibility periods remain the same; however, the benefits will soon be available to more workers who are helping many of Saskatchewan’s most vulnerable citizens get through the COVID-19 emergency.”
For more information about the wage supplement, visit People with questions about the supplement may also email or call 1-800-667-6102 or 306-787-6645 in Regina.
For each eligible worker, the temporary wage supplement is $400 for each four-week period, up to 16 weeks, for the period from March 15, 2020 to July 4, 2020.
The wage supplement will be provided to full-time, part-time and casual workers, and includes anyone employed by an eligible facility, but does not include third-party contract service providers working at those facilities.
For more information, contact:
Jeff Welke
Phone: 306-787-6046
Cell: 306-536-1185