Released on March 26, 2015
Today Agriculture Minister Lyle Stewart announced the establishment of a new humane society to provide enforcement of The Animal Protection Act in Saskatchewan.The Ministry of Agriculture has reached a two year funding agreement with Animal Protection Services of Saskatchewan, a non-profit corporation, to provide animal protection services beginning April 1, 2015. The agreement provides the organization $610,000 a year for investigative services.
“Animal welfare is a top priority for our government,” Stewart said. “We welcome the opportunity to work with our new partner, Animal Protection Services of Saskatchewan, to continue enforcement of the Act and ensure a sound animal welfare system throughout the province.”
The Saskatchewan Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (Saskatchewan SPCA) announced earlier this year that it would not renew its contract with the ministry for animal protection services after March 31, 2015, due to its decision to focus on programs and services related to education and the prevention of animal cruelty.
Animal protection officers who previously worked for the Saskatchewan SPCA, including Animal Protection Services Manager Kaley Pugh, are part of the new Animal Protection Services of Saskatchewan. The organization will be based out of Saskatoon and its board will include members from provincial veterinary and livestock organizations.
Starting April 1, there will be a new toll-free phone number, 1-844-382-0002, for reporting cases of animal abuse. The website is, and the general email address is
“We look forward to continuing our work in protecting the health and well-being of animals,” Animal Protection Services of Saskatchewan Executive Director Kaley Pugh said. “We are working closely with Saskatchewan SPCA to ensure a smooth transition of enforcement services.”
“We are pleased to have an organization such as Animal Protection Services of Saskatchewan to help ensure responsible animal care across our province,” Saskatchewan Horse Federation Executive Director Krissy Fiddler said.
“We welcome the new organization and the role it will play in supporting good animal husbandry practices, which are of utmost importance to our industry,” Saskatchewan Cattlemen’s Association Chair Bill Jameson said.
The ministry will continue to engage stakeholders to ensure animal protective services are effectively enforced across the province.
For more information, contact:
Angela Hall
Phone: 306-787-2359
Cell: 306-527-0521