Released on July 17, 2014
Plenary Group has been selected to partner with the Cypress Regional Health Authority to build the new 225 bed long-term care facility in Swift Current. The new long-term care facility will replace three aged facilities in the community and create a home-like atmosphere for seniors.Contract negotiations will now begin with intent to finalize the terms of the contract in September 2014. The contract’s financial details and the final value for money analysis will be disclosed once contract negotiations and signing are complete.
Plenary Group was selected after successfully completing a two-staged transparent procurement process that consists of a Request for Qualifications and a Request for Proposals. Plenary Group includes the following partners.
- Plenary Group (Canada) Ltd.
- PCL Construction Management Inc.
- Johnson Controls Canada Limited Partnership
- Stantec Architecture Ltd.
“This is an important milestone for Saskatchewan as we move toward completion of the provincial government’s first public-private partnership procurement,” SaskBuilds Minister Gordon Wyant said. “In addition to savings for taxpayers, we are impressed by the additional design innovation and construction efficiencies gained exclusively through this competitive process.”
“It is an exciting time for the health region as we are looking forward to the beginning of construction,” Chairperson of the Cypress Regional Health Authority Tyler Bragg said. “The quality of the proponent teams’ submissions was certainly evident and we are confident that our desired model of care will be able to be offered within the final design awarded. We continue to be appreciative to the provincial government for this capital project opportunity, to our resident and family representatives and staff for their involvement during the design process, and to the residents of municipal councils for their financial support towards the local share of the project.”
“This project demonstrates our government’s commitment to renewing health care infrastructure in Saskatchewan,” Health Minister Dustin Duncan said. “Once completed, the new facility will improve the quality of life for seniors living in long-term care in Swift Current.”
The facility is a design-build-finance-maintain P3 procurement. Construction is scheduled to begin in late summer-early fall 2014 with completion by spring 2016.
The Cypress Health Region will maintain full ownership of the facility and will operate all aspects of the direct care provided within the facility. Existing health region staff will provide services for residents and maintain the provincial standards and guidelines that have been set for long-term care programs and services within the province.
The long-term care facility will be built on a parcel of land owned by the Cypress Health Region that is adjacent to the regional hospital.
For more information, contact:
Sarah Harrison
Phone: 306-798-1213
Bryce Martin
Cypress Health Region
Swift Current
Phone: 306-778-5117
Tyler McMurchy
Ministry of Health
Phone: 306-787-4083