Released on August 18, 2014
Three qualified teams have been shortlisted to participate in the next stage of the competitive selection process to build the new Regina Bypass. The bypass will be the largest transportation infrastructure project in Saskatchewan’s history.Five teams responded to the SaskBuilds and Ministry of Highways and Infrastructure’s Request for Qualifications, which closed July 7, 2014. After evaluating the responses, these teams have been invited to move forward to the Request for Proposal stage:
- Queen City Infrastructure Group;
- Wascana Development Partners; and
- SaskLink Global Transportation Partners.
“We are pleased to be moving another step closer to the start of construction,” SaskBuilds Minster Gordon Wyant said. “Having three very experienced and qualified teams will drive the level of competition we want to get the best price and quality for taxpayers.”
The use of the P3 model is expected to improve cost-effectiveness, ensure on-schedule completion, provide budget certainty, and encourage private sector innovation in design and construction.
The publicly owned bypass will take approximately three-and-a-half years to build with priority components opening in advance of the full bypass completion. Construction is scheduled to begin in summer 2015 and be open to traffic by fall 2018.
The cost of the project will be determined through the competitive P3 bidding process.
For more information, contact:
Doug Wakabayashi
Highways and Infrastructure
Phone: 306-787-4804