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Released on March 12, 2012

Minister responsible for the Provincial Capital Commission Bill Hutchinson announced plans for an artist-in-residence program as part of the province's year-long celebration of the 100th anniversary of the Saskatchewan Legislative Building. The program has been developed in partnership with the Saskatchewan Arts Board.

"We are excited to partner with the Saskatchewan Arts Board to bring some of our province's talented artists into the Legislative Building," Hutchinson said. "This program will not only provide opportunity for people to learn more about the building, but about the artists and the artistic process as well. And we will be left with an artistic legacy that marks this occasion and showcases the dynamic, innovative and dedicated arts community in Saskatchewan."

"The Saskatchewan Arts Board is pleased to support the artist-in-residence initiative through the Creative Partnerships program," Saskatchewan Arts Board Executive Director David Kyle said. "In this program, we work in collaboration with our partners SaskCulture and Saskatchewan Lotteries to ensure there are a variety of innovative arts opportunities in communities across Saskatchewan."

Laura Hale has accepted the position of artist co-ordinator and will begin work today to develop the residency program and will oversee the program until it's conclusion in November. The program will consist of eight short residencies with different guest artists and will ultimately result in one legacy artwork or display for each of the eight alcoves in the Rotunda of the Legislative Building. Hale and the selected artists will be provided space in the Legislative Building in which to work as well as carry out public engagement activities and youth art initiatives.

This program is one of several being implemented throughout 2012 concluding with a final public event to be held on October 11, 2012, to commemorate the opening of the Legislative Building on October 12, 1912.

For more information on the Saskatchewan Legislative Building's 100th anniversary please call 306-787-9261 or visit


For more information, contact:

Jay Teneycke
Office of the Provincial Capital Commission
Phone: 306-798-6095

Shelly Sundholm-Vonau
Saskatchewan Arts Board
Phone: 306-787-1099

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