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Released on September 10, 2010

Advanced Education, Employment and Immigration Minister Rob Norris announced yesterday that Dr. Michael Atkinson, Executive Director and Professor of the Johnson Shoyama Graduate School of Public Policy, will lead the 2010 review of the regional college system.

"I'm confident that Dr. Atkinson's and the school's experience in public policy and access to broader research and post-secondary expertise will ensure the successful completion of this review," Norris said. "The review will focus on the effectiveness and efficiency of the regional college system to fulfil its legislated mandate and meet government's goals, in particular addressing the needs of learners."

The Regional Colleges Act requires a review of the regional college system at least once every five years. The review will assess regional colleges' effectiveness in meeting government objectives and priorities, assess regional colleges' efficiency in planning and service delivery, and will include recommendations on ways to optimize the operation and funding of the regional colleges. As part of the review process, regional colleges will be consulted to provide valuable information and perspectives on how the system should operate.

There are seven regional colleges in Saskatchewan, which include: Carlton Trail, Cumberland, Great Plains, Northlands, North West, Parkland and Southeast Regional College. The regional college system is accessed by over 24,000 learners each year.

A final report of the review is expected within six months.


For more information, contact:

Daniela Machuca
Advanced Education, Employment and Immigration
Phone: 306-787-3716

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