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Released on June 8, 2009

Today, Lynne Yelich Minister of State for Western Economic Diversification and Municipal Affairs Minister Jeremy Harrison announced the first projects under the Harper Government's Recreational Infrastructure Canada (RInC) program in Saskatchewan.

"Community centres, rinks and pools are such an important gathering place for our families and communities," said Yelich. "Today's critical investments will help put Canadians to work, encourage greater participation in physical activity, and ensure that communities across the west have access to the essential infrastructure we need today and in the future."

Recreational facilities such as rinks, ball fields and swimming pools will receive upgrades. Examples are improved wheelchair accessibility to Beechy's arena; improvements to the sports field in Estevan; and the construction of a new recreational facility in Zenon Park.

"Our provincial government is proud to provide more than $1.4 million for 14 projects to communities through the RInC program," Harrison said. "Local swimming pools, hockey rinks, recreational centres, sports fields, parks and other recreation facilities are important parts of Saskatchewan communities and community life. They help promote health and build on the quality of life for the people of our province."

Federal funding of more than $1.4 million is being provided by Western Economic Diversification toward these 14 projects under the RInC program. The Province of Saskatchewan is matching the $1.4 million provided by the federal government, bringing the federal-provincial contribution to $2.87 million on the total project amount of $4.3 million.

The RInC program is part of Canada's Economic Action Plan. RInC will invest $500 million in recreational facilities across Canada over a two-year period. It will provide a temporary economic stimulus that will help reduce the impacts of the global recession while renewing, upgrading and expanding recreational infrastructure in Canadian communities.

For more information on the Recreational Infrastructure Canada program in the west, please visit

For information on Canada's Economic Action Plan, please visit


For more information, contact:

Lisa Hutniak
Western Economic Diversification

Jeff Welke
Municipal Affairs
Phone: 306-787-6156

WD Toll-Free
Phone: 1-888-338-9378

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