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Released on January 27, 2006

Community Resources and Employment Minister Joanne Crofford and Corrections and Public Safety Minister Peter Prebble today announced they will not be seeking re-election in the next provincial election. Both will continue to represent their constituents until then.

"I admire the leadership of Premier Calvert and look forward to continuing to serve in his government," Crofford said. "It has been a very special privilege to serve our community and province in a way that affects the quality of life for so many people. Politics is an interesting, diverse and challenging job and I recommend it to anyone who is passionate about this province. I look forward to spending more time in my constituency in the time leading up to the next provincial election."

"It has been an honour to serve my constituents and the people of this province over the past many years," Prebble said. "I will continue to focus my energies on making Saskatchewan a better place, under the leadership of Lorne Calvert, a Premier with integrity and a deep commitment to the public good. I look forward to advancing our government's green agenda and one where no one is left behind."

Prebble, the MLA for Saskatoon Greystone, was first elected in Saskatoon in 1978, and was re-elected in 1986, 1999 and 2003. He was appointed to Cabinet in August 2003 and has had responsibility for a number of portfolios including Corrections and Public Safety, SaskWater, Public Service Commission and the Office of Energy Conservation.

Crofford, the MLA for Regina Rosemont, was first elected in Regina in 1991 and has been re-elected in each subsequent provincial election. Initially appointed to Cabinet in February 1995 she has served in a wide variety of portfolios including Community Resources and Employment, Saskatchewan Gaming Corporation, Labour, Indian and Metis Affairs, Post Secondary Education and Skills Training, and Culture, Youth and Recreation.

"It is a huge understatement to say that I am accepting these decisions with regret," Premier Lorne Calvert said. "Joanne and Peter have worked tirelessly for their constituents, their communities and the people of this province. Their contributions in these capacities will be sorely missed. I welcome their continued contributions over the remainder of this term of government, and wish them well in their future endeavours."


For More Information, Contact:

Jay Branch
Media Services
Phone: 787-5780
Cell: 539-3994

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