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Released on June 24, 2005

Saskatchewan is moving forward with an initiative that will allow more internationally trained doctors to work in the province. Saskatchewan Health will fund four new residency seats at the University of Saskatchewan's College of Medicine for internationally educated doctors who need more training before they qualify to practice medicine in the province.

"Retaining and recruiting health professionals are top government priorities," Health Minister John Nilson said. "The creation of new residency seats is one of many initiatives to address shortages of key health providers."

The seats will be available to international medical graduates who live in Saskatchewan and who choose to specialize in anesthesia, general surgery, internal medicine, radiology, pediatrics, psychiatry, and obstetrics and gynecology.

International medical graduates who qualify for the new seats must sign a return-of-service agreement with a commitment to practice in Saskatchewan one year for every year of funding provided.

"Saskatchewan already has a number of internationally educated health professionals living in our province," Minister responsible for Immigration, Pat Atkinson said. "This is an important initiative that will assist immigrants and refugees to use their existing education and experience to build careers here in Saskatchewan. Health care is a top priority for this government, and this program is another step in the right direction for a sustainable health care system."

This year, the province has allocated $336,000 for the four training positions.

The closing date for applications for the new international medical graduate seats is June 30th.

Applications are available at the College of Medicine's website, as well as the Open Door Society, the Saskatchewan Medical Association and the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Saskatchewan.

"There are many capable internationally-educated physicians living in our communities," University of Saskatchewan College of Medicine associate dean, medical education, Dr. Sheila Rutledge Harding said. "We're happy to be able to offer this opportunity to augment their training in Saskatchewan."

In addition to the new international medical graduate seats, which were announced in the 2005-06 budget, Saskatchewan Health will fund five new residency positions for the general post-graduate medical student population.


For More Information, Contact:

Jocelyn Argue
Phone: (306)787-4083
Debbie Spence
College of Medicine
Phone: (306)966-8555

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