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Released on May 14, 2003

SaskPower and Clear-Green Environmental Inc. will partner in a two-year demonstration of technology that uses animal manure to generate heat and electricity.

"This demonstration project reflects the commitment of both the provincial government and SaskPower to minimize the impact electrical generation has on the environment," Crown Investments Corporation Minister Maynard Sonntag said. "Using the biogas created from manure to produce power has tremendous economic and environmental potential within our province's growing hog industry."

The biogas will be produced at a hog facility near Cudworth using a digester process, which relies on bacteria to break down the manure in a large enclosed tank. The biogas will be drawn off and piped into four microturbines, which will generate enough electricity for about 30 homes.

"Clear-Green is at a very exciting time in its lifespan. We have been working hard on the development of our company and this demonstration project. We have had such strong support from our investors, strategic partners and suppliers – especially SaskPower," President and CEO, Clear-Green Environmental Inc. Ben Voss said. "My team and I are all very excited about the prospects for the future and the opportunities in the emerging organic waste utilization industry, and are negotiating with several future sites that could be future sources of green power." The Clear-Green technology can also be used with food processing and slaughter plant waste, all forms of manure, and municipal waste streams.

"This latest alternative energy demonstration project is a forerunner to SaskPower's plans to solicit proposals for environmentally preferred power later this year. Increased use of small scale, environmentally sensitive electrical generation is integral to SaskPower's recently announced Green Power portfolio of initiatives," President and CEO, SaskPower John Wright said.

SaskEnergy and SaskPower already partner with Flatland Exploration Inc. in a demonstration project testing the feasibility of using flare gas to power two microturbines. SaskPower and SaskEnergy also partner in a demonstration project at the Regina General Hospital that uses microturbines to generate heat and electricity.


For More Information, Contact:

Larry Christie
Phone: (306)566-3167
Cell: (306)536-2886
Ben Voss
Clear-Green Environmental Inc.
Phone: (306)931-2610

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