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Released on December 15, 2003

Saskatchewan has taken a national lead in mandating energy efficiency in public buildings with a new policy announced today in Regina.

"Saskatchewan is raising the standard for energy efficiency," Minister Responsible for the Office of Energy Conservation David Forbes said. "Building better is easy when you plan for it, and this policy encourages the industry to think about energy efficiency at every stage, beginning with design. This innovative policy is an investment in the knowledge and competitiveness of our building industry as well as in energy efficiency and environmental protection."

Under the policy all new projects and relevant renovations with at least 30 per cent government funding will be designed and built to a high energy performance standard. That standard is defined as at least 25 per cent better than the Model National Energy Code for Buildings 1997. Meeting this standard will help projects qualify for the Commercial Building Incentive Program of Natural Resources Canada, which provides incentives equal to double the annual energy savings, to a maximum of $60,000 for commercial buildings and $80,000 for industrial buildings.

Project designers are encouraged to follow the Integrated Design Process, in which all the building design disciplines, plus the owner or owner's representatives, take part in a series of facilitated workshops leading to the completed design of the new project. This process has been shown to result in high energy efficiency without increasing project costs. The resulting energy savings provide a financial bonus for the life of the building. And the people who live or work in these improved buildings report greater comfort.

The Office of Energy Conservation will verify the consistent application of this policy, in co-operation with Saskatchewan Property Management Corporation, Saskatchewan Health and Saskatchewan Learning.


For More Information, Contact:

Tom MacDermott
Saskatchewan Research Council
Phone: (306)933-5129
Email: Hot-Line 1-800-668-4636
Terry White
Office of Energy Conservation
Phone: (306)787-9381

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