The Municipal Growth Readiness Checklist (MGRC) is a tool to help municipalities self-assess their strengths, weaknesses, threats and opportunities. Shifting focus from sustainability to growth readiness for some municipalities will enable prioritization of the most pressing risks to medium and long-term growth.
About the checklist
The checklist will allow municipalities' administrative and political officials to come to their own conclusions about the growth readiness of their municipality and what actions, if any, are needed to improve it.
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Both versions allow municipalities to evaluate their growth readiness by answering questions related to eight key categories of municipal responsibility. Based on the responses, the tool will provide municipalities with a score related to each category. Examining the growth readiness scores will help municipalities assess the things that are going well and areas where there are opportunities for improvement.
Resources and more information
A toolkit of resources is available under each category's page in the MGRC, as well as in the downloadable fact sheets below.
- Administrative capacity
- Demographics and economic trends
- Fiscal health
- Infrastructure
- Land use planning and governance
- Public safety
- Regional partnerships
- Service delivery
For background information about the Checklist, download the Municipal Growth Readiness Concept Paper.
If you have questions about the Municipal Growth Readiness Checklist, please contact Advisory Services and Municipal Relations Branch at 306-787-2680.