Apply for Approval of Water and Sewer Rates
The Local Government Committee (LGC) reviews applications about utility rates, discounts and penalties for water and sewer rates.
Below are the steps to apply for approval of water and sewer rates, discounts and penalties.
1. Overview
The LGC reviews and makes decisions on utility rates for water or sewer services set by municipalities other than cities.
The LGC also approves discounts or penalties for water or sewer services.
2. Guidance
A municipality or corporation that provides a public utility service may set:
- utility rates; and
- discounts or additional charges on overdue amounts.
These items must be approved by the LGC.
The LGC's approval is based on the following criteria:
- that rates are equitable to all users; and
- revenue generated by the utility is sufficient to offset all expenses including maintenance and debt retirement resulting from borrowing for capital utility projects.
The intent is to have a self-sustaining utility and create a reserve for maintenance and future capital projects.
3. Eligibility
You may apply to the LGC if:
- you submit a completed utility fund summary form; Criteria:
- you are a municipality other than a city, or you are a public utility corporation who has been given the authority to set utility rates, penalties or discounts; and
- you would like to change the utility rates, penalties or discounts charged to your customers.
4. How to Apply
If you are eligible to apply:
- Complete the application to the LGC and include all required documents listed in the application.
- Submit the application to the LGC:
- personally by emailing, submitting online, or delivering;
- by registered mail; or
- by regular mail.
5. Apply
- Step 1 (Saving file): Right-click on "Application to the Local Government Committee" box below then select "Save Link as..." or "Save Target as..." and save the file to your computer.
- Step 2 (Opening file): Open the PDF using Adobe Acrobat® or Adobe Reader®, version 8 or later.
6. Further Information
Legislation that applies to municipal utility rates includes:
Sample bylaws are available to guide municipalities. These samples are for information purposes only and should be revised to suit your situation: