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Asset Management: Making Progress

As part of the Canada-Saskatchewan Administrative Agreement and the Municipal Funding Agreement, municipalities are required to:

  • make progress towards developing and/or implementing an asset management plan; and
  • report on progress made.

1. Asset Management Subcommittee

The oversight committee for the federal Canada Community-Building Fund (CCBF), established an Asset Management Subcommittee

The subcommittee established a baseline against which to measure progress, as well as developed a tiered approach for asset management planning measures and targets.


2. Asset Management Survey

Saskatchewan municipalities participating in the Canada Community-Building Fund are surveyed regularly on Asset Management progress. The last survey was completed in 2022.

Information provided in the survey is used by the Asset Management Subcommittee to analyze municipalities’ progress and set recommendations for tiers, measures and targets.


3. Asset Management Plan Requirements – Tiers, Measures and Targets

To ensure that the conditions of the Administrative Agreement are met, municipalities are required to show they are making progress in implementing asset management.

Recognizing that Saskatchewan has a vast range of municipal sizes and capacity, and that municipalities may be at different stages in development and implementation of their asset management plans, a tiered structure to meet the requirements was developed. The Asset Management Subcommittee determined the tiers would be based on population of the municipality:

  • Tier 1: Population up to 500
  • Tier 2: Population from 501 to 1,500
  • Tier 3: Population from 1,501 to 5,000
  • Tier 4: Population over 5,000

The tier level establishes the targeted number of asset classes a municipality will need to complete initially.

The following chart summarizes the measures and targets municipalities are required to work towards in the development of their asset management plans.


June 30, 2018 All Tiers

Municipalities participating in the Canada Community-Building Fund program are required to:

  • Get educated in asset management
  • Develop and approve a policy and a strategy on how the municipality will approach asset management
  • Develop an asset register for all asset classes
June 30, 2019  
# of Asset Classes to Complete

Municipalities are required to:

  • Add the current condition of assets to the asset register
  • Document the desired condition of assets listed in their register
June 30, 2019
 All Tiers
All municipalities are required to have a progress check in with council on the status of improving/monitoring the asset management plan.
June 30, 2020

# of Asset Classes to Complete

Municipalities are required to identify the funding gap between the current and desired asset condition for completed asset classes.

June 30, 2022
All Tiers
Municipalities are required to report back to council on monitoring and improving their asset management plan moving forward.

Some municipalities may have more asset classes than identified in the chart. It is anticipated that as a municipality completes their initial asset class, they will gain momentum and proceed to complete all asset classes.

The Guide to CCBF Agreement Requirements expands on the approved recommendations for tiers, measures and targets and provides general guidance to assist municipalities as they work towards achieving the measures and targets.


4. Asset Management Reporting Requirements

Municipalities are required to report to the ministry on the progress they have made in implementing their asset management plans. This will assist the province in reporting to Canada.

  • 2016 - Municipalities met the first reporting requirement by completing the baseline survey.
  • 2017 - Municipalities completed a short questionnaire to "check-in" on progress made since the baseline survey.
  • 2018 - Municipalities provided detailed information on the status of their asset management planning by completing a comprehensive questionnaire.
  • 2022 - Municipalities provided detailed information on the status of their asset management planning by completing a comprehensive questionnaire.

Further reporting requirements will be determined with guidance from the Asset Management Subcommittee.

It is a requirement for municipalities to complete and submit the required reporting to be compliant with the terms and conditions of their CCBF agreement.

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