We use de-identified prescription records from our database for internal and external drug studies, and use this research to make care safer.
We also restrict the coverage of Exception Drug Status drugs which are only intended for use under certain circumstances.
Programs and services
The following programs and services ensure safe drug use and help people receive the best results from prescription medications:
- The Drug Evaluation Services and Roving Professor Program based at the University of Saskatchewan assists the drug review process, and provides expert opinions and drug information to promote the safest use of pharmaceuticals in the province.
- The Saskatchewan Drug Information Service provides drug information services for the public, pharmacists, physicians, and other health care professionals throughout Saskatchewan.
- The RxFiles Academic Detailing Program operated by the Saskatoon Regional Health Authority assists physicians in selecting the most appropriate and cost-effective drug therapy for their patients.
- The Prescription Review Program (formerly known as the Triplicate Prescription Program) is operated by the College of Physicians and Surgeons and is designed to reduce abuse and diversion. The prescription information required to operate this program is captured electronically through the Prescription Information Program (PIP). PIP is part of the provincial electronic health record.
- The Trial Prescription Program encourages pharmacists to dispense a seven or ten day supply for the initial prescription of certain drugs, monitor the effect on the patient, and if the outcomes are positive, dispense the full prescription as directed by the physician. This service helps ensure the best results for patients and reduces waste. There is no additional cost to the patient for this service.
How the program works
The pharmacy claims processing system checks on each prescription that is filled. An online computer network transmits prescription information from the pharmacy to the central computer where it is checked to determine if it can be approved for payment, including:
- Is the drug a benefit?
- Does the beneficiary have health coverage and the type?
- Is the quantity dispensed within appropriate levels?
- Is the number of prescriptions for the beneficiary within limits?
- Is the prescription a duplicate or possible duplicate of another dispensed prescription?
- Is the prescriber authorized?
- Are the unit costs within limits?
After the check is completed, the prescription claim is adjudicated and cost information is transmitted back to the pharmacy, detailing the consumer share and Drug Plan share.