Play and Exploration Workshops
Young children experience learning through play and exploration in a variety of settings including the home, child care, Prekindergarten, preschool and other early childhood programs. High-quality programs engage children and their families in the planning and delivery of a healthy, safe, culturally sensitive and stimulating program that promotes children's abilities and interests.
You are invited to take part in any or all of the three free workshops offered at this time.
1. Benefits
The goal of the workshops is to support educators and other care providers in the creation of high-quality, age-appropriate, play-based learning experiences for young children in a variety of settings.
You will take part in practical learning experiences that highlight quality learning for young children and the educator's role in supporting this development and exploration.
You will:
- Develop a greater understanding of children as competent learners;
- Learn about the importance of relationships and early learning environment; and
- Leave inspired with new ideas and an understanding of why they are important.
Play and Exploration: Phase 1 is available online and focuses on an introduction to the Play and Exploration Learning Guide.
Play and Exploration for Infants and Toddlers workshop is available online and is specially designed for those who work with infants and toddlers.
Play and Exploration: Phase 2 focuses on two topics:
- How Young Children Learn: It's Not "JUST PLAY"!; and
- Using Documentation to support Young Children's Learning.
2. Eligibility
These workshops are open to the entire early learning and child care sector who wish to learn how to implement Play and Exploration in their early learning and child care spaces.
All workshops are also open to members of child care boards or other community members who wish to obtain greater knowledge about recommended practices for use with young children.
3. Workshop Information
The workshop includes an introduction and six modules and will take between 3 to 6 hours, depending on personal learning style, to complete.
This workshop is for those working with infants (0 to 18 months) and toddlers (18 to 30 months).
- Play and Exploration: Phase 2 workshops
This workshop targets those who work with young children and have begun to implement the vision and principles of Play and Explorations.
4. Register
Registration for Play and Exploration Phase 2 workshop will be available at a future time.
5. Further Information
When attending a workshop, make sure you bring:
- Photos of invitations for learning that you have tried with the children that you work with;
- Your copy of Play and Exploration, if you have one;
(additional copies will be available on site for individuals who did not receive a personal copy) - Questions you may have about Play and Exploration; and
- Your passion for early learning.
If you have any questions or to cancel please contact:
Saskatchewan Early Childhood Association
1015 Railway Ave
Weyburn, SK S4H 2V5
Phone: 306-842-1209
Fax: 306-842-1206