Odyssey French Language Assistant Program
The Odyssey Program helps to assign full-time language assistants to schools across Saskatchewan.
1. Benefits
Hosting a language assistant allows school divisions and recognized post-secondary teaching institutions to:
- Provide an additional opportunity for students to interact in French;
- Help students learn more about different Francophone cultures; and
- Support language learning in a school environment.
2. Eligibility
To apply to the Odyssey program, a school division or recognized post-secondary teaching institution must:
- Offer French Immersion, French courses at the post-secondary level, or French as a minority language instruction;
- Appoint a supervising teacher; and
- Gain approval from the Director of Education / Dean of the faculty (for post-secondary institutions).
3. How to Apply
- Read the Administrative and Financial Guide.
- Complete the application form and return it to the Programs Branch before March 29, 2024.
Odyssey Program
Programs Branch
Ministry of Education
409A Park Street
Regina, SK S4N 5B2
Phone: 306-787-6048
Fax: 306-787-2029
Email: prog.fedprov@gov.sk.ca
5. Further Information
Language assistants will be assigned to school divisions in May and June 2024.
Saskatchewan English language assistants can also participate in this program to work in Quebec and New Brunswick.
The Odyssey Program is funded by Council of Ministers of Education of Canada (CMEC).