Manage Your Organization Profile
1. Defining authorized individuals
A single business or organization can be registered only once by an individual who is authorized to act on its behalf. This authorized person will be asked to create an Individual Saskatchewan Account – if they don't already have one – to connect to the Organization Saskatchewan Account.
After doing so, they become the administrator of the organization's account who manages the services and invites users to also act on its behalf.
Note: Your Individual Saskatchewan Account information is stored separately from your Organization Saskatchewan Account information.
Defining authorized individuals
A person who has been authorized to set up an Organization Saskatchewan Account is defined as either:
- A sole proprietor under your own name;
- An owner or director of a business or organization on file with Information Services Corporation (ISC) or the Canada Revenue Agency; or
- A person listed in a Saskatchewan municipality's personnel listing as filed in the Government of Saskatchewan Municipal Directory.
You must be an authorized individual to act on behalf of your organization and willing to be its administrator to set up an Organization Saskatchewan Account. The person who connects a business to a Saskatchewan Account is assigned as administrator by default.
The following table outlines the authorized individuals who can act on behalf of organizations for the purposes of connecting a business to a Saskatchewan Account.
Business Type | Examples of Business Type | Authorized Individual for the purposes of setting up a Business Saskatchewan Account |
A Saskatchewan business or organization with a Business Number | ||
Individual | Sole Proprietorship | Individual Owner listed with ISC |
Partnership | Partnership, including limited partnership (LP) and limited liability partnership (LLP) | Individual Owner(s) listed with ISC |
Corporation | Corporations, including those that end in Corporation, Corp., Incorporated, Inc., Limited, Ltd. Corporations, including those that end in Corporation, Corp., Incorporated, Inc., Limited, Ltd. and the following corporations: Non-profit Corporation, Co-operatives, Credit Unions, Banks (domestic/foreign), Treasury Crowns, CIC Crown Corporations, and Federal Crowns | Directors listed with ISC |
Trusts | Trusts, including Family Trusts, Pension Plans, RRSPs, RRIFs, Account Trusts, Employer Sponsored Plans | |
Other | Legislated entities as follows: Condominium Corporation, School Divisions, Saskatchewan Indian Bands | Directors listed with ISC |
A Saskatchewan sole proprietor without a Business Number | ||
Sole Proprietor Without a Business Number | A business with only one owner and operating as a sole proprietor without a business number. | Individual Owner |
A Saskatchewan municipality | ||
Saskatchewan municipality | Any municipality in Saskatchewan as listed in the Government of Saskatchewan Municipal Directory | Person must be listed in a Saskatchewan municipality's personnel listing as filed in the Government of Saskatchewan Municipal Directory |
An extra-provincially registered company | ||
Extra-Provincially Registered Company | An extra-provincial business (business operating outside of Saskatchewan) conducting business in Saskatchewan. Includes Extra-Provincial Insurers, Extra-Provincial and New West Partnership Corporations. | Directors listed with ISC |
2. User roles and management
There are three roles in the Organization Saskatchewan Account system that determine a user's access rights to your organization's linked services, user management and business locations.
Administrators serves as the primary contact for the account. The person who connects a business to a Saskatchewan Account is assigned an Administrator by default. Additional people can be assigned the role. Administrators can:
- Add, edit, remove and use linked services;
- Add, edit and remove all users;
- Add, edit and remove business locations;
- View notifications and change notification preferences; and
- View the activity log.
Delegates can do the following on behalf of an organization's account:
- Add, edit, remove and use linked services;
- Add, edit and remove Delegates and Members;
- Add, edit and remove business locations;
- View notifications and change notification preferences; and
- View the activity log.
Administrators and Delegates can assign this role to one or more individuals.
Members can:
- Use linked services;
- View notifications and change notification preferences; and
- View the activity log.
Administrators and Delegates can assign this role to one or more individuals.
I no longer want anyone acting on behalf of my organization
You can remove the individual from your Business Saskatchewan Account, which prevents them from acting on behalf of your organization and removes them from your linked government business services. You can do this in the 'User Management' area of your business profile.
You can invite them back at any time. If you re-invite the user, they will start fresh with no transaction history for your organization or linked government business services.
Your Administrator leaves or is no longer able to administer
Prior to the Administrator leaving your organization or leaving the position of Administrator, they should assign at least one other person as an Administrator. Upon their departure, the new Administrator can take over.
If there is no alternate Administrator available, contact us.
Invitation to act on behalf of an organization
If you get an email invitation asking you to act on behalf of your organization, you'll have to complete one of the following tasks:
- If you don't have a Saskatchewan Account, you'll need to create an Individual Saskatchewan Account before you can accept the invitation; or
- If you already have a Saskatchewan Account, you'll need to login to your Individual Saskatchewan Account to accept the invitation.
Invitations expire 30 days after they are issued.