- Growing our population by keeping more young people in Saskatchewan and increasing immigration to the province.
- Maintaining a competitive tax environment and undertaking SaskFirst new growth tax incentives.
- Growing Saskatchewan exports and core exporting sectors, such as manufacturing.
- Engaging internationally to secure access and expand international markets for Saskatchewan products.
- Growing Saskatchewan's agricultural economy.
- Adding value and increasing Saskatchewan-based processing of the province's agricultural products.
- Growing Saskatchewan's oil, gas and natural resource economy.
- Promoting the quality and sustainability of Saskatchewan's agricultural and natural resource exports.
- Creating opportunities by reducing interprovincial barriers to trade.
- Growing Indigenous participation in the economy through the growth of Saskatchewan's natural resource industries and labour market development.
- Expanding Saskatchewan's export infrastructure.
- Supporting the transformation of Saskatchewan's economy through innovation and technology and the growth of Saskatchewan's technology sector.
- Developing Saskatchewan's labour force.
- Growing small businesses and reducing government red tape for businesses.
- Delivering on Saskatchewan's climate change plan to reduce carbon emissions.
- Reducing carbon emissions in electricity production and advancing the development of zero-emission small modular reactor technology using Saskatchewan uranium.
- Keeping the province's finances strong and the budget balanced.
- Building strong communities by investing in infrastructure.
- Delivering on the purpose of growth by ensuring growth builds a better quality of life for Saskatchewan families and communities.
- Always standing for a strong Saskatchewan.