Electronic logging devices (ELDs) are computerized devices installed in a commercial truck that track a driver's hours of service. They replace paper-based logbooks.
Transport Canada maintains a list of certified ELDs.
Hours of Service
Truckers must manage their workload because fatigue can lead to driver impairment.
Saskatchewan, Canada, and all provinces and territories, have regulations that determine how long a commercial truck driver can operate a vehicle before they must rest. There are no changes to the federal hours of service requirements, the changes are related to how the hours of service are tracked.
Prior to June 12, 2021, federally-regulated drivers have been required to keep a paper-based logbook that tracks their hours of service. During commercial vehicle enforcement, officers can inspect a driver's logbook to ensure the rules are being observed.
Change to Federal Hours of Service Regulations
Starting June 12, 2021, federal hours of service regulations require inter-provincial commercial vehicles to be outfitted with electronic logging devices (ELDs). Saskatchewan is implementing a period of education and awareness because certified devices are not yet commercially available.
Saskatchewan supports the transition over time to ELDs for inter-provincial carriers. There are no changes to the federal hours of service requirements, the changes are related to how the hours of service are tracked.
Availability of Certified ELDs
Saskatchewan is aware of the lack of certified devices and is working with government partners across Canada towards a solution or another method that was valid prior to June 12, 2021.
With the federal regulations change on June 12, 2021, Saskatchewan continues to enforce and monitor a commercial vehicle driver's fatigue ensuring our roads remain safe.
All interprovincial drivers and carriers without an ELD must continue to track their hours of service using either paper-based logs.
Saskatchewan reminds drivers and carriers it will not require installation until certified ELDs are commercially available. Further announcements will be made to alert truckers when certified devices are available. These will include deadlines for any changes in enforcement practices in Saskatchewan.
Read the fact sheet about ELDs in Saskatchewan.
The Saskatchewan Approach
Saskatchewan is taking a reasonable phased-in approach that will change in response to various milestones during the transition.
Phase 1 – No Certified ELDs commercially available
Saskatchewan will uphold its commitment to safety by continuing to enforce hours of service regulations through either paper-based logs or another method of tracking that was valid prior to June 12, 2021.
Phase 2 – Certified ELDs are commercially available
Saskatchewan will give truckers and trucking companies a reasonable period of time to purchase and install ELDs. During this phase, drivers without certified ELDs will be required to maintain either paper-based logs or track hours of service using another method that was valid prior to June 12, 2021.
The focus of commercial vehicle enforcement will be on education. Verbal or written warnings may be issued but they will have no impact on a driver's or carrier's safety profile.
It's anticipated this phase could last up to six months. During this phase, drivers must use a certified ELD or maintain record of their hours of service using either a paper log or another method that was valid prior to June 12, 2021.
Phase 3 – Certified ELDs are available and industry has had reasonable time to install them
Saskatchewan’s enforcement of the ELD mandate will take effect January 1, 2023. Commercial vehicle enforcement includes issuing tickets to inter-provincial drivers who have not installed ELDs as required under the hours of service regulations.
Who Does This Impact?
This change affects only truckers and carriers involved in inter-provincial trucking, meaning commercial vehicles that cross a provincial, territorial or international boundary as part of their trip.
Carriers that operate solely within Saskatchewan are not subject to the federal regulations. Their situation does not change. They are required to continue using paper-based logs or another approved method of tracking hours of service.
Other Jurisdictions and Policing Agencies
We are working with our federal, provincial and territorial counterparts to encourage a consistent approach across Canada.
Saskatchewan Highway Patrol is sharing its recommended approach with other policing agencies in Saskatchewan. Maintaining the safety of our citizens remains our highest priority during this transition.
For additional information please contact our Customer Service Centre: 1-844-SK-HIWAY (1-844-754-4929).