Guidance for Emitters
Regulated emitters will find forms, guidance documents, templates, and calculation tools in the Publications Centre to assist with registering a facility, submitting baselines and emissions returns, updating aggregate facility compositions, and estimating compliance obligations, as per The Management and Reduction of Greenhouse Gases (Standards and Compliance) Regulations and The Management and Reduction of Greenhouse Gases (Standards and Compliance) Regulations, 2023.
1. Aggregate Facilities
Aggregate Registration
An operator who intends to register an aggregate facility under The Management and Reduction of Greenhouse Gases (Standards and Compliance) Regulations, 2023 (the Regulations) must submit a notice of intent (NOI) for aggregate facility registration to the Ministry of Environment. Please refer to The Aggregate Facility Standard to determine if the aggregate facility qualifies for registration.
To register an aggregate facility in the upstream oil and gas sector, please follow the detailed instructions in the Guidance for UOG Aggregate Facility Registration document.
Aggregate Baseline Submissions
In accordance with the Regulations, all regulated emitters must establish a baseline emissions intensity for each regulated facility. An aggregate facility must be registered prior to establishing a baseline emissions intensity for that facility.
Each baseline submission requires an accompanying Quantification Methodology Document and verification report, completed using the provided Aggregate Quantification Methodology Document Template and the Aggregate Verification Report Template.
Aggregate Emissions Return Submissions
In accordance with the Regulations, all regulated emitters must submit an emissions return per regulated aggregate facility for each compliance year. An aggregate facility must be registered and establish a baseline emissions intensity prior to completing an emissions return for that facility.
Each emissions return submission requires an accompanying Quantification Methodology Document and verification report, completed using the provided Aggregate Quantification Methodology Document Template and the Aggregate Verification Report Template.
Aggregate Composition Updates
The Aggregate Monthly Composition Form is for use by registered aggregate facilities that are subject to Part 3 of The Aggregate Facility Standard. Submit the completed form along with any attachments to
The Aggregate Facilities Quarterly Composition Submission Form is for use by registered aggregate facilities that are subject to Part 2 of The Aggregate Facility Standard. Submit the completed form along with any attachments to
Regulated emitters who intend to request confidentiality for their submissions must submit the Confidentiality Request Form to A separate confidentiality request form must be completed for each submission type.
Contact Information
Regulated emitters who intend to update the contact information of a regulated facility should submit the Contact Information Form to
2. Industrial Facilities
All emitters subject to The Management and Reduction of Greenhouse Gases (Standards and Compliance) Regulations, 2023 (the Regulations) are required to register their regulated facilities with the Ministry of Environment. Please refer to the Regulations to determine if registration of the regulated facility is required. Eligible facilities that are not required to register under the Regulations may voluntarily register.
Prior to registration, emitters must submit a notice of intent (NOI) for the facility registration through To complete the registration process, emitters must submit a registration form for each facility that is subject to the Regulations.
Baseline Submissions
In accordance with the Regulations, all regulated emitters must establish a baseline emissions intensity for each regulated facility. An industrial facility must be registered prior to establishing a baseline emissions intensity for that facility.
Each baseline submission requires an accompanying Quantification Methodology Document and verification report, completed using the provided Quantification Methodology Template and Verification Report Content Requirements for Regulated Emitters - Template.
Emissions Return Submissions
In accordance with the Regulations, all regulated emitters must submit an emissions return per regulated facility for each compliance year. A facility must be registered and establish a baseline emissions intensity prior to completing an emissions return for that facility.
Each emissions return submission requires an accompanying Quantification Methodology Document and verification report, completed using the provided Quantification Methodology Template and Verification Report Content Requirements for Regulated Emitters - Template.
Regulated emitters who intend to request confidentiality for their submissions must submit the Confidentiality Request Form to A separate confidentiality request form must be completed for each submission type.
Contact Information
Regulated emitters who intend to update the contact information of a regulated facility should submit the Contact Information Form to
3. Electricity Facilities
All emitters subject to The Management and Reduction of Greenhouse Gases (Standards and Compliance) Regulations, 2023 (the Regulations) are required to register their regulated facilities with the Ministry of Environment. Please refer to the Regulations available in the Publications Centre to determine if registration of the regulated facility is required. Eligible facilities that are not required to register under the Regulations may voluntarily register.
Prior to registration, emitters must submit a notice of intent (NOI) for the facility registration through To complete the registration process, emitters must submit a registration form for each facility that is subject to the Regulations.
Emissions Return Submissions
In accordance with the Regulations, all regulated emitters must submit an emissions return per regulated facility for each compliance year. An electricity facility must be registered prior to completing an emissions return for that facility.
Regulated emitters who intend to request confidentiality for their submissions must submit the Confidentiality Request Form to A separate confidentiality request form must be completed for each submission type.
Contact Information
Regulated emitters who intend to update the contact information of a regulated facility should submit the Contact Information Form to
4. Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage Projects
Project developers may voluntarily register their carbon capture, utilization and storage (CCUS) project under The Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage Credit Standard. Please refer to the standard to determine if the CCUS Project is eligible for registration.
A CCUS project registration requires an accompanying CCUS Project Registration Form and Credit Plan, completed using the provided CCUS Credit Plan Template.
Credit Report
In accordance with the standard, all CCUS projects must submit a credit report for each compliance year. A CCUS project must be registered prior to completing a credit report for that CCUS project.
Each credit report requires a Credit Report, Part 1 form and an accompanying report and verification report, completed using the provided Credit Report, Part 2 Template and CCUS Verification Report Template.
5. Compliance Obligations and Compliance Options
In accordance with the Regulations, if the total regulated emissions by a regulated facility exceed the permitted levels during a compliance year, the regulated emitter incurs a compliance obligation.
The Compliance Obligation and Performance Credit Estimation Guidance Document provides regulated emitters with an explanation of the compliance obligation and performance credit calculations and guidance to estimate the compliance obligation owed and, if applicable, the amount of performance credits earned by a regulated facility in a compliance year.
Compliance Return
If total regulated emissions exceed what is permitted in a compliance year, regulated emitters must complete a compliance return form. Use the Compliance Return Form and accompanying Compliance Return Guidance document available in the Publication Centre to inform the ministry about how your organization intends to fulfil its compliance obligations before the applicable deadline. Regulated emitters who choose to fulfil a compliance obligation in whole or in part by paying into the Saskatchewan Technology Fund must submit the compliance return form at least five (5) business days prior to payment being made.
Performance Credits
The Ministry of Environment uses the Performance Credit Transaction form to track the purchase of performance credits between regulated emitters. If you intend to use purchased performance credits to fulfil a compliance obligation, you must submit the relevant performance credit transaction form before the Compliance Return Form is submitted to the Ministry of Environment.
Saskatchewan Technology Fund
The Saskatchewan Technology Fund is a made-in-Saskatchewan compliance option for regulated emitters under Saskatchewan's Output-Based Performance Standards (OBPS) Program. The competitive, application-based fund will support transformative technologies and innovations that help reduce greenhouse gas emissions while maintaining industry competitiveness and continued economic growth and prosperity. The Saskatchewan Technology Fund Standard and Guidelines outlines the governance, administration and operations of the Fund.
6. Program Deadlines
In accordance with the Regulations, the Minister may adjust or extend compliance obligation dates and compliance return dates for regulated facilities that are subject to the province’s OBPS program, provided that an alternative date is requested by regulated emitters. The Minister may approve such an extension where he or she is satisfied that such a request is appropriate.
Industrial Facilities
For industrial facilities whose first compliance years are 2019, 2020, or 2021, the deadline for 2021 compliance returns and fulfilment of compliance obligations is October 31, 2024.
For industrial facilities whose first compliance years are 2019, 2021, or 2022, the deadline for 2022 compliance returns and fulfilment of compliance obligations is October 31, 2024.
Aggregate Facilities
For aggregate facilities whose first compliance years are 2020, 2021, or 2022, the deadline for 2022 compliance returns and fulfilment of compliance obligations is October 31, 2024.
Should you require additional information, please contact the Ministry of Environment via