In 2005, Saskatchewan began development of an institutional control framework for the long-term management of decommissioned mine and mill sites on provincial Crown lands. The framework established a formal regulatory process for the long-term monitoring and maintenance of industrial sites when mining or milling activities have ended, remediation has been completed, and the sites are ready to be transferred to provincial responsibility. The process is designed to:
- ensure the health, safety and well-being of future generations;
- protect the environment;
- provide closure for the mining industry; and
- meet national and international standards and requirements.
In 2007, the Institutional Control Program (ICP) was established pursuant to The Reclaimed Industrial Sites Act and The Reclaimed Industrial Sites Regulations. The ICP's purpose is to:
- support the safe, environmentally-sound decommissioning of mining and mill sites;
- ensure the ongoing monitoring and maintenance of reclaimed sites;
- provide a funding mechanism to cover costs associated with long-term monitoring and maintenance of reclaimed sites; and
- ensure that records and information on the reclaimed sites are preserved through the establishment of a registry.
The two primary components of the ICP are:
- the Institutional Control Registry, which will maintain a formal record of closed sites, manage the funding and perform any required monitoring and maintenance work; and
- the Institutional Control Funds:
- the Monitoring and Maintenance Fund: to pay for long-term monitoring and maintenance of a reclaimed site after it is accepted into the ICP; and,
- the Unforeseen Events Fund: to pay for any unforeseen future events that are not covered by the Monitoring and Maintenance Fund
The Institutional Control Program: Post Closure Management of Decommissioned Mine/Mill Properties Located on Crown Land in Saskatchewan discussion paper outlines the operation of the Institutional Control Registry and the requirements for a company to enter a site into the registry.
Find reports and supporting information related to the sites accepted into the ICP.