Forest Product Permit
A forest product permit grants the right to harvest specified forest products for a term of up to one year. This permit is also used to regulate other activities, such as grazing in the forest.
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1. Benefits
Forest product permits ensure that Saskatchewan's forest resources are used legally and appropriately, and that you know the rights and responsibilities associated with each type of forest use.
2. Eligibility
Anyone wishing to harvest any wood from provincial Crown forests for commercial purposes, including Christmas trees and transplants, requires a forest product permit, available from Ministry of Environment offices.
To harvest commercial fuelwood
If you want to harvest fuelwood from the provincial forest for commercial purposes, whether it's green (live) or dead and down, you need a forest product permit.
Harvesters must develop an operating plan, which must be approved by the area forester.
You must also pay all applicable Crown dues and forest management fees on the volume you harvest.
To graze cattle
If you want to graze cattle within the provincial forest, you need a permit. Applicants must prepare a carrying capacity assessment to:
- Determine the number of animals the area can support;
- Develop a range management plan; and
- Fence the area (as needed) to control cattle.
To cut hay within a provincial forest
You need a permit to cut hay within the provincial forest. You may be required to submit an operating plan.
For own-use permits
You need a permit for all own-use green forest products or own-use dead and down forest products for all purposes other than fuelwood. You may be required to develop an operating plan, which the area forester must approve. You must also pay all applicable Crown dues and forest management fees on the volume you harvest.
You do not need a permit for the following activities:
- harvesting berries, fruits and mushrooms for commercial or own-use, or subsistence gathering;
- gathering of dead or down trees for fuelwood for your own use;
- harvesting a Christmas tree for personal use; trees must be under four metres tall and must not be taken from a renewed area.
- harvesting forest products for your own use from Crown resource land for which you hold a recreational disposition;
- harvesting up to 24 cubic metres of wood for a purpose connected to your Fur Conservation Area licence or commercial fishing licence.
Anytime you use the forest, take care not to damage berry plants, mushroom sites or non-target trees, and please don't leave litter in the forest.
3. How To Apply
Requirements vary depending on the activity. Please contact your local Ministry of Environment office for details.