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Forest Planning

Forest companies holding certain types of licences must develop long-term plans explaining how they will manage the forest resources on their areas. Twenty-year forest management plans (FMP) address all aspects of forest management, including inventory, harvesting, renewal, roads and engagement. As they develop their plans, licence holders work closely with the Ministry of Environment. Public involvement is an important part of the process. FMPs are redeveloped every 10 years.

As companies put their plans into practice, they report on their progress to the public through annual reports. The ministry also evaluates the company's performance and compliance.

Learn more about specific forest management plans in place or under development now:

Activities and Updates

August 19, 2024 – Public Notice posted for the commencement of the Weyerhaeuser/Dunkley Pasquia Porcupine 2025-45 20-Year Forest Management Plan

NEW - Weyerhaeuser/Dunkley Pasquia Porcupine 2025-2045 20-Year Forest Management Plan
Weyerhaeuser Company Ltd. and Dunkley Lumber Ltd. are revising their 20-year Forest Management Plan that will provide direction for management of the forest resources of the Pasquia Porcupine Timber Supply Area (PP TSA). The PP TSA consists of 2.02 million hectares of boreal forest and lakes in northeastern Saskatchewan, near the town of Hudson Bay.

Carrier Forest Products – NW Term Supply Licence Forest Management Plan
Carrier Forest Products Ltd. has completed a 20-year forest management plan for the Northwest Term Supply Licence area, 790,000 hectares of boreal forest in northwest Saskatchewan, in the Beauval area.

Tolko Industries Ltd. – Meadow Lake OSB Division Forest Management Plan
Meadow Lake OSB has completed a 20-year forest management plan for the Meadow Lake OSB Term Supply Licence area, more than 200,000 hectares of boreal forest in northwest Saskatchewan, in the Meadow Lake area.

Ministry of Environment – Island Forests 2022-2042 Forest Management Plan
The Ministry of Environment has completed a 20-year forest management plan for the Island Forests, more than 226,000 hectares of Crown forest land in north-central Saskatchewan, in the Prince Albert area.

Mistik – Mistik Forest Management Plan
Mistik Management Ltd. has completed a revised 20-year forest management plan for the Mistik Management Forest Management Agreement area, 1.9 million hectares of boreal forest in northwest Saskatchewan in the Meadow Lake area.

Sakâw – Prince Albert Forest Management Plan
Sakâw Askiy Management Inc. has completed a revised 20-year forest management plan for the Prince Albert Forest Management Agreement area, more than 3.3 million hectares of boreal forest in north central Saskatchewan, just north of Prince Albert.

Weyerhaeuser and Edgewood – Pasquia Porcupine Forest Management Plan
Weyerhaeuser Company Ltd. and Edgewood Forest Products Inc. have revised the 20-year forest management plan for the Pasquia-Porcupine Forest Management Agreement area, just over 2.02 million hectares of boreal forest in northeastern Saskatchewan, near the town of Hudson Bay.

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