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Statement from Premier Brad Wall on the Outcome of the U.S. Election

Released on November 9, 2016

Canada must now work with the new President in the best interests of both our great countries.  President-elect Trump has made some election promises that could be positive for Canada, and others that are concerning.

He has indicated his support for the Keystone XL pipeline, and with Republican majorities in both the House and Senate, I am hopeful that this important project will move ahead quickly.

On the other hand, I hope he reconsiders his plan to end the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA).  I would urge Prime Minister Trudeau and our federal government to reach out to the new administration as soon as possible on these and other issues of importance to our two countries.

And then there’s the carbon tax.  The election result means we will not be seeing a carbon tax in the U.S. anytime soon.  I would also note that a proposed carbon tax was on the ballot in one of the more liberal states, Washington state, and it was rejected by 58 per cent of the voters.  So it makes no sense for our federal government to push ahead with imposing a national carbon tax, when our biggest trading partner – and our biggest competitor for investment and jobs – is not going to have one.


For more information, contact:

Kathy Young
Executive Council
Phone: 306-787-0425
Cell: 306-526-8927

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