Crop Production Update:
- Seeding has wrapped up in most of the province despite wet spring conditions slowing progress in many areas, and producers are now preparing for in-crop spraying.
- Crops are emerging in many areas of the province, so producers should be on the lookout for early season pests such as cutworms, wireworms, flea beetles, and root rots.
- In addition to typical early season pests, producers also need to be aware of early season grasshopper damage as there are reports of grasshopper nymphs damaging crop seedlings in Saskatchewan. Information on nymph damage and economic thresholds can be found on the grasshopper webpage or by contacting your local crops extension specialist.
- Parts of eastern Saskatchewan experienced cool overnight temperatures in late May, causing concern among agronomists and producers about potential frost damage to crops. Luckily, these conditions occurred prior to the emergence of many crops. Symptoms of spring frost damage can take a few days to appear, and it can take up to 10 days to determine the surviving plant stand.
Crop Protection Lab:
During the previous two weeks the Crop Protection Lab (CPL) received three client calls regarding management of weeds and one plant was submitted to the lab for identification.
The CPL is now accepting samples suspected of having Dutch Elm Disease (DED). If you have a tree that you suspect has DED, get it tested! Sample submission guidelines and forms can be found on our DED Testing Samples webpage.
The CPL is anxiously awaiting the first samples to be submitted to the lab for the year. The CPL offers disease diagnostics, as well as weed and insect ID’s, if you have a pest that you can’t identify let the lab have a look! The lab would kindly like to remind lab clients to ensure they are following the sample submission guidelines.
In this issue:
How to Scout for Grasshoppers - Did you have a grasshopper problem in your crop last year? Make sure you are scouting for them early, learn more here.
Grasshopper's Natural Enemies - Problems with agricultural pests feeding on your crops, there is a mouse for that. Grasshopper mice have evolved to efficiently handle several agricultural pests.
Give Clubroot the Boot with Biosecurity - No new visible clubroot symptoms were recorded in Saskatchewan in 2023, however clubroot risk remained high on the prairies in general. Learn how biosecurity measures may help to further minimize the spread of disease.